A Tribute to Wolfie, the Red Tailed Hawk, April 23, 2017

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The first time I saw him he was so musical and lively that I named him Wolfgang Mozart which was shortened to Wolfie. 17 years ago he was found visiting Lake Arrowhead’s open garages begging for food. He was a juvenile that had anklets left on him from a falconer’s attempt to train him. It  … Read more

Don’t Be a Bird Napper, September 20, 2016


Approaching spring, we have the privilege of watching many wild birds giving birth, and raising their young. But there are common problems that arise for our feathered friends during this delicate time. If you find a nestling on the ground, do you try to save it, or leave it? There is an “old wives tale” that says: if you handle a baby bird, the parents will detect human touch, and abandon the nestling. No so! Most avians, except for vultures and condors, have a poor sense of smell.