Take the first step toward becoming part of an exciting team! There are all kinds of jobs at The Ranch that need your help! Orientations are usually the last Sunday of the month at 1 PM.
Regular Volunteers who want to help Wildhaven Ranch giving hours weekly or for special events (not WCP’s) can be a part of our Orientation Classes at the end of each month.The training is two hours and the cost is $30 for the class plus a requirement to attend a Tour to interview with Director after the Tour. Yearly memberships are available for $30.
For reservations and further information, please call (909) 337-1391 or email your resume to Volunteer Program at info@wildhavenranch.org.
Wildlife Volunteers or Interns
The Wildlife Care Provider (WCP) program is given to qualified individuals or college students from the ages of 18 to 60 years. There is a five hour class and subsequent four hour hands-on trainings at least weekly for approximately eight weeks given to authorize the student to work around the resident widlife.
The cost is $100 for the WCP class and $30 for the yearly volunteer affiliation. Additional cost of $50 per shift per week for training by supervisor.
Only wildlife handlers with experience of 2 or more years, with college education of degrees relating to biology, animal sciences, and other pertinent graduate courses, with the approval of the Curator, can work with the wild animals in supervisory positions.

How You Can Help!
Wildhaven is expensive to run, especially in the winter months. Our goal is to raise enough money to cover about one-half of our operating costs for the year to cover the basics.
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