
Our yellow brick road is actually red in color and leads to a happier, healthier life for our wildlife. To be a part of our red brick road leading into the Round Barn, you may purchase a red brick for $150 with up to three lines of 14 characters each.

For $1000 you get a 12”x12” granite tile and for $5,000 or more you get a 12”x12” polished granite tile on the donor wall under our Grizzly and Bald Eagle bronze statue by artist Gary Bodman.


Wildhaven Ranch Needs Volunteers!

Ages 16 to Seniors!

For more information call:
(909) 337-1391

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How You Can Help!

Wildhaven is expensive to run, especially in the winter months. Our goal is to raise enough money to cover about one-half of our operating costs for the year to cover the basics.

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